Deconstructing “Israeli Apartheid”

While Israel’s adversaries have always charged the country with many misdeeds, only relatively recently have these alleged transgressions coalesced into the so-called BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), modeled after the campaign against apartheid South Africa, and based on the allegation that Israel too is an apartheid state. An integral part of the BDS campaign … Read more

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Apartheid was a horrific and brutal system of racism and segregation in South Africa, which created two separate, distinct societies, one of the free white minority, and the other being the oppressed majority. For example, Black South Africans were barred from many jobs, and had to walk on different sides of the same streets. In … Read more

Guardian letter by Palestinian Artists

The Guardian published an op-ed length letter by dozens of Palestinian and Arab academics, journalists and intellectuals (including PLO official Hanan Ashrawi and Guardian contributors Raja Shehadeh and Rashid Khalidi) taking aim at the IHRA working definition of antisemitism. The letter (“Palestinian rights and the IHRA definition of antisemitism”, Nov. 29) begins with a variation … Read more

Does the IHRA Suppress Palestinian Voices?

Although many claim that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Antisemitism silences Palestinian voices, this is not the case. The definition is a guideline which has been adopted by many nations and universities around the world, to understand and address the rising rates of antisemitism. Anti-Israel detractors claim that the IHRA silences them because … Read more

National Geographic and Water

National Geographic magazine has an unfortunate habit of regularly publishing inaccurate and intemperate articles about Israel, which have falsely blamed Israel for expelling Palestinians, for being responsible for declines in the Arab Christian population (which has actually increased in Israel), for discriminating against Israeli Arabs, and for oppressing Bethlehem. To this list of false accusations … Read more

Does Israel Steal Palestinian Water?

More often than not, Israel gets accused of stealing Palestinian “aquifers” or actively limiting Palestinian access to clean water. This is, of course, not true. Historically, Israel used water from the Sea of Galilee and relied on various different aquifers in the country. Even in the 1950’s, when Israel was a young state, the overwhelming … Read more

Did Israel Unjustly Target Six Palestinian Charities?

Anti-Israel detractors claim that Israel unfairly targeted six Palestinian NGOs to silence them and stop their attempts to help Palestinians. But the reality is more complicated. NGO Monitor has meticulously tracked several Palestinian charities and their connection to Palestinian terror groups, which led to the Israeli government designating these six charities as terror organizations.

Did Israel Sterilize Ethiopian Women?

There was no forced sterilization of Ethiopian women. There was no sterilization, period. The smear itself originated from a news article in a 2012 Ha’aretz report, which falsely alleged that Israeli authorities forced Ethiopian women to receive shots of Depo-Provera, a contraceptive which lasts three months, in order to immigrate to Israel. An Israeli committee … Read more

Did Israel Refuse to Vaccinate Palestinians?

Israel’s focus on vaccination did indeed include Palestinians. Not only that, at multiple occasions Israel offered to assist the Palestinian Authority with hospital equipment, access to vaccines, and more. Israel offered Pfizer vaccines, although the Palestinian Authority chose to purchase the Sputnik vaccine from Russia. But at no point did Israel refuse to vaccinate the … Read more

Jewish Only Roads

As CAMERA’s Tamar Sternthal has noted,“While limited sections of West Bank roads are barred to Palestinian traffic, they are open to all Israelis, Jewish, Christian and Muslim alike.” She has also pointed out that “Not only are Israeli Arabs and other Israeli non-Jews permitted to ride Israeli buses in the West Bank, but Palestinians may … Read more